Oda Toshisada (織田敏定)

Toshisada ODA was a military commander in the Sengoku period (period of Warring States). He is believed to have been the oldest son of Hisanaga ODA. He was the shugodai (the acting military governor) of the four counties of Owari Province. He was the head of the Kiyosu Oda clan (Oda Yamatonokami family). There exists a family tree showing he was the father of Nobusada ODA of the 'Oda Danjonojo family,' one of the three magistrates of Kiyosu, but the possibility of deception has been pointed out.


The Kiyosu Oda clan (Oda Yamatonokami family), which was the shugodai of four counties of Owari Province based at Kiyosu-jo Castle, was a branch family of the Iwakura Oda clan (Oda Isenokami family), the original head family of the Oda clan, and was a family of daikan (local governor) in Owari Province. During the era of Toshisada ODA, the family was appointed to the shugodai of Owari in place of the head family by Yoshihiro SHIBA, the shugo (military governor) of Owari, and grasped the actual power in the Oda clan.

When the Onin War occurred in 1467, he supported Yoshitoshi SHIBA and his son Yoshisuke (Yoshihiro) SHIBA, the shugo of Owari, and sided with the East Squad led by Katsumoto HOSOKAWA against the shugodai of Owari Toshihiro ODA from the head family 'Oda Isenokami family' who supported Yoshiyasu SHIBA, the new shugo of Owari, and sided with the West Squad.

In 1476, he advanced into Owari at the behest of his master Yoshisuke, fought with the allied force of Toshihiro ODA of the 'Oda Isenokami family,' who was based at Shimotsu-jo Castle in Nakajima County, and his father in law Myochin SAITO of Mino, and expelled them to the Kokufu Palace at Yamada County.

But the 'Oda Isenokami family' regained its strength and Toshisada was expelled from Owari. His whereabout after that is unnown, but it is said that he stayed in Kyoto. In 1478, the bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) appointed Toshisada to the shugodai of Owari in place of the 'Oda Isenokami family' and ordered him to 'exterminate rebels' (the bakufu regarded Yoshiyasu SHIBA and Toshihiro ODA of the West Squad as rebels). He arrived in Owari on November 15 of the year and entered Kiyosu-jo Castle, the new office of shugo, with the support of Masayori TOKI, the shugo of Mino Province, and Myochin SAITO. ("Chikamoto Nikki").

Although the Saito family was regarded as the supporter of the 'Oda Yamatonokami family,' Myochin sent reinforcements to Toshihiro against the order of the bakufu when Toshihiro began to attack Kiyosu-jo Castle. Toshisada, who was forced to have a hard fight, asked Ienaga OGASAWARA of Shinano Province for help in order to check Mino Province("Ogasawara Bunsho").

On January 5, 1479, Kiyosu-jo Castle was besieged by Toshihiro who was backed by the Saito family of Mino, and all persons in the castle were ready for dying in battle. However, Yoshisada fought bravely while his right eye being shot by an arrow and repeled the enemy. However, the attack was resumed on the 15th.

On February 19, 1479, reconcilliation was reached between Toshihiro of the 'Oda Isenokami family' and Toshisada thanks to the bakufu's repeated intervention. As a result, Owari was put under the joint rule of the 'Oda Yamatonokami family' and the 'Oda Isenokami family' and it was divided into two. Toshisada became the shugodai of four counties of Owari (Aichi Counry, Chita County, Kaito County and Kaisei County; the 'Oda Yamatonokami family' was originally the shugodai of Nakajima County, Kaito County and a part of Yamada County) ("Daijo-in Jisha Zatsuji-ki"). Thereafter, Toshisada stayed in Kyoto along with Shugo Yoshihiro.

In April 1481 when the reconcilliation with the 'Oda Isenokami family' collapsed, he again fought with Toshihiro of the 'Oda Isenokami family' and defeated him ("Baika Mujinzo"). In September of the year, he went to Kyoto together with Hirochika ODA, the lord of Kinoshita-jo Castle (Inuyama-jo Castle) of the 'Oda Isenokami family,' reported the peaceful status of Owari to the eighth seii taishogun (literally, great general who subdues barbarians) Yoshimasa ASHIKAGA and paid tribute to him ("Chikamoto Nikki"). As Toshihiro of the 'Oda Isenokami family' died in the same year, Toshisada temporarily took the leadership in the Oda clan though he was the head of the 'Oda Yamotonokami family,' a branch line of the Oda clan.

In 1482, a dispute concerning the legitimate line of Nichiren sect occurred and shuron (discussion about religious theories) was held at Kiyosu-jo Castle in order to settle it. It is said that Toshisada played a role of mediator at the shuron (Kiyosu shuron).

In 1487, he followed Yoshihiro and took the position at Omi Sakamoto together with the successor of the 'Oda Isenokami family' Hirohiro ODA as a member of the bakufu's force to conquer Takayori ROKKAKU (Chokyo-Entoku Wars). In the same year, Toshisada asked the bakufu for the sovereignty of Echizen Province as the proxy of his master Yoshihiro. Also, the temple estate (estate of Myoko-ji Temple) was recognized and guaranteed by the ninth seii taishogun Yoshihisa ASHIKAGA.

In 1488, Toshisada went to Owari along with Yoshihiro and advanced into Aichi County (Aichi Prefecture) of the 'Oda Isenokami family' taking the advantage of confusion. In 1491, Toshisada again followed Yoshihiro in order to conquer Takayori ROKKAKU and achieved distinguished military service (Chokyo-Entoku Wars). In 1494 when the 'Oda Isenokami family' sided with Myojun SAITO, the successor to Myochin SAITO, in the succession dispute of the shugo of Mino Toki clan, he sided with the koshugodai (junior deputy shugo) of Mino Toshimitsu ISHIMARU since Toshimitsu's daughter was the wife of his oldest son Hirosada and fought with Hirohiro ODA, who succeeded Toshihiro and sided with Saito side (the Battle of Funada). However, Toshisada died in July of 1495 at the camp (he died of disease according to "Funada Senki" while he died on the battlefield according to "Bukoyawa").

[Original Japanese]